Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2011-04-20

Pink Tutu Vienna: #833 - The Waltz of the Whimsical (Wednesday, 20th April, 2011)

Dearest readers,

This week, I’ve waltzed my way into the magical city of Vienna! It’s like stepping into a storybook – charming cobbled streets, grand palaces shimmering with history, and music echoing from every corner. Oh, the music! Even the traffic lights seem to chime like a symphony orchestra!

Now, you know me and my love for tutus. Vienna just seems to understand! You see, the waltz, this glorious dance that makes your heart soar and your toes tap, it all began right here in Vienna. You can almost feel the echoes of those grand balls, the swirls of silken gowns, the whisper of lace, all culminating in that iconic, whirling waltz!

The sheer romance of it all is simply irresistible. I’m picturing myself as a young Viennese girl, twirling in a pink tulle masterpiece as the strains of Strauss waft through the air, a mischievous glint in my eye. And speaking of pink… Vienna doesn’t disappoint. Pastel pink walls adorn charming cafes, blossoming pink cherry trees line the avenues, and even the iconic ‘Sacher Torte’, the decadent chocolate cake, is topped with a generous dusting of powdered sugar, that most magical of pinks!

I arrived on Tuesday, a charmingly sunny morning. After bidding farewell to the Derbyshire countryside, I embraced the romance of a train journey, the rolling green hills blurring into an impressionistic masterpiece outside my window.

Arriving in Vienna, the scent of fresh bread and coffee greeted me with a warm embrace. I found myself instantly drawn to the charm of the Naschmarkt, a kaleidoscope of vibrant colours and tempting treats. My fellow tutu-enthusiasts will rejoice at the discovery of a shop with the most amazing pink ballerina shoes! Oh, my heart practically did a pirouette in my chest. It would be rude to not buy myself a pair, wouldn’t you agree?

In the afternoon, I couldn't resist the pull of the Schönbrunn Palace. The air practically crackled with historical intrigue as I wandered through the magnificent gardens, picturing princesses in swirling gowns, waltzing beneath the ornate arches. Imagine my delight at finding a hidden little corner, draped in cascading wisteria – the most beautiful purple hue! Imagine my further delight when a street performer started playing a haunting melody on his violin, his eyes twinkling as if he knew I was waiting for him!

But wait, there’s more! This week, I had the immense pleasure of attending a ballet performance at the Vienna State Opera House! Oh, it was spectacular! A flurry of silks, shimmering costumes, and the most elegant dancers imaginable, spinning tales of love, loss, and triumph through the expressive language of ballet. I even saw a little girl twirling in a tiny pink tutu in the audience, her eyes sparkling with joy as the dancers leaped and twirled. It warmed my heart, knowing that this magical world of dance is inspiring new generations of ballerinas.

On a less whimsical, but equally delightful note, Vienna is an absolute treasure trove for those who love shopping. Vintage stores brimming with exquisite gowns, quaint boutiques with one-of-a-kind treasures, and even the ubiquitous chain stores are adorned with exquisite window displays, bursting with playful hues and feminine elegance. I’m afraid I may be starting a pink tutu collection of my own.

Today, my lovelies, I’m planning a grand adventure to the Prater, a vast park filled with amusement rides, gardens, and the famous giant Ferris wheel. They call it Vienna's ‘green lung’ – and let’s be honest, a little fresh air is just what this tutu needs after all that exploring!

So, until next Wednesday, my fellow tutu enthusiasts, may your week be filled with sunshine, laughter, and maybe even a few twirls! Don't forget to keep on waltzing through life!

P.S. I’ve started a new challenge, and I’d love for you all to join in! It's the #PinkTutuEverywhere challenge. This week, wear your pinkest tutu, snap a picture, and share it online with #PinkTutuEverywhere! Let’s bring a touch of whimsy to the world!

Yours always in tulle and sequins,


#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2011-04-20