Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2011-10-19

Pink Tutu Vienna: Episode 859 - Waltz me Away!

Hello lovelies! It's Wednesday, which means it's time for another Pink Tutu Vienna adventure! This week, I'm whisked away by the magic of Vienna, a city that truly embodies elegance and sophistication. I mean, can you imagine a more perfect backdrop for a pink tutu than a city with such breathtaking architecture and rich history?

Riding into Vienna on a Wave of Pink

My journey began, as it so often does, with a train journey. I boarded the train from the quaint English countryside, feeling like a whimsical Victorian heroine with my pink tutu cascading around my feet. The carriages felt like grand salons on wheels, complete with plush seats and twinkling chandeliers. Of course, no journey would be complete without a soundtrack, and this time, my travel playlist was bursting with operatic melodies and waltzing rhythms. You just know this was going to be a magical week!

The Ballet-lover's Paradise

The moment I stepped onto Vienna's cobbled streets, the charm of this city hit me like a perfect plié. I could practically hear the music swelling and see the graceful waltzes unfolding right before my eyes! It truly felt like a fairytale. Naturally, my first stop was the Vienna State Opera, a magnificent, opulent building that radiated sheer artistry. The ornate details, the echoing corridors, the hushed anticipation in the air… I practically skipped to the box office to get my hands on some tickets.

An Enchanting Evening at the Opera

This week's ballet performance was The Sleeping Beauty, a classic that never fails to capture the imagination. The choreography was breathtakingly beautiful, the music a symphonic masterpiece, and the costumes? Exquisite! There were so many shades of pink on stage it practically made my tutu blush! From the vibrant blush of the fairy costumes to the delicate pink of Aurora's tutus, I was utterly captivated by the visual feast.

Fashion in the Heart of Vienna

After the show, it was time for a little retail therapy! I was completely enamoured by the high-end boutiques that line Vienna's charming streets. There was lace so delicate it looked like spiderwebs spun from moonlight, brocade that shimmered like starlight, and an abundance of sumptuous fabrics perfect for my own tutus. The shop windows were a riot of colour and design, truly showcasing Vienna's chic style.

Dinner with a View

To round off the evening, I found myself dining on a terrace overlooking the city. As the last rays of sun kissed the rooftops, the whole city glowed with a warm, rosy hue – perfect for my pink tutu! I indulged in a delectable Viennese feast, complete with delicious goulash, delicate pastries, and, of course, a glass of fine Austrian wine. The symphony of flavours perfectly reflected the charm and vibrancy of the city.

A Romantic Ride

To add to the magic of this weekend, I opted for a unique mode of transportation. Imagine my delight when I discovered I could take a ride in a horse-drawn carriage. What could be more fitting for a tutu-loving girl than gliding through Vienna's picturesque streets behind a gentle, majestic steed? The sound of the horse’s hooves clicking against the cobblestones created a rhythmical symphony that seemed to enhance the whole experience.

In Search of Ballet History

I knew that Vienna has a deep and rich ballet history. I was determined to explore it. From the magnificent buildings housing ballet schools and museums to the cobbled streets where legendary dancers once walked, it was impossible to resist the charm and allure of the city’s ballet heritage. My trip was punctuated by visits to museums filled with beautiful costumes, intricate drawings, and even a display of ballet slippers from bygone eras! I even managed to find an antique book on tutu history - it had such beautiful illustrations, I just had to buy it!

Dancing into the Future

As my Viennese adventure draws to a close, I can’t help but reflect on how this city has captivated my heart with its vibrant culture and elegance. There's something magical about Vienna, an essence of beauty and artistry that echoes through its very streets. I already can't wait for my next visit. Until then, I'll be spreading the Pink Tutu love back in Derbyshire, where I’m already planning my next grand ballet-themed performance.

Remember, darlings, wear your tutus with pride, embrace your inner ballerina, and always keep the magic alive!

Until next Wednesday, keep twirling!



P.S. Did you know, Wednesday 19th October 2011 is International Day for the Elimination of Poverty? That really resonated with me because, let's be honest, if tutus could solve poverty, we'd all be living in a fluffy, pink wonderland! In a world where tutu magic can help us make even a small difference, maybe everyone really can have a pink tutu!

P.P.S. Don't forget to visit for all your tutu-tastic needs! I'll be posting weekly about my travels, my tutu collection, and all things ballet-related! Let’s keep this magical journey going together!

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2011-10-19