Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2011-10-26

Pink Tutu Vienna: A Ballet-Filled Whirlwind in the City of Waltz (Post #860)

Wednesday, 26th October, 2011

Guten Tag, darlings!

Vienna! My, oh my, where do I even begin? This city is absolutely positively dripping with romance, grandeur, and...tutus! Yes, you heard me right. There's something about this city, steeped in history and culture, that just begs to be twirled around in a perfectly-pink tutu.

From Derbyshire to the Heart of Europe

This week, I embarked on a magical train journey from my lovely home in Derbyshire, England, to Vienna, Austria. I knew this was going to be a special trip; a whirlwind of ballet, history, and exquisite pastries (oh, how I love Sachertorte!), and it certainly didn't disappoint. I was thrilled to find that the Austrian railways seem to be very pro-tutu! No raised eyebrows or judgmental stares – just a kind conductor offering to help me with my bags. Now, isn't that splendid?

A Touch of Baroque and a Dash of Ballerina

The moment I stepped into Vienna, I felt like I was in a fairytale. The cobblestone streets, the grand palaces, the majestic opera house... it was all incredibly romantic, especially through the eyes of a tutu-clad ballet lover. Vienna's a city of Waltz and waltzing is pretty much the essence of ballet! This city oozes music and culture.

I couldn't wait to visit the Schönbrunn Palace, one of Vienna's most iconic landmarks. Picture this: golden gates, breathtaking architecture, and a whole history lesson in waltz! They say Emperor Franz Joseph I adored the graceful steps of the waltz and, after marrying Empress Elisabeth of Austria, danced with her every single night at his palace. How utterly charming!

The Hofburg Palace was next on my list - a historical treasure trove where you can truly feel the spirit of royalty. And guess what? I discovered that ballet and tutu history goes back to the Renaissance! You see, it wasn't until the 1581 ballet, 'Ballet Comique de la Reine' at the Court of Henri III that women first took to the stage in tutus. Before that, the ballet was performed only by men.

But there's more to Vienna than just grand palaces and tutu history, darling.

Ballet on the Danube

Vienna's been renowned for its love affair with ballet since the 18th century. The Vienna State Opera, perched like a shining gem, has always played a central role in Vienna's vibrant ballet scene, and this week was no exception.

I saw a magnificent production of Swan Lake - and let me tell you, it was an absolutely sensational experience. The dancers, dressed in those delicate white tutus, were so elegant and graceful. They swirled and leaped, transporting the audience to a magical world. I literally cried happy tears when I saw the finale! My darling, it was perfect!

And after the ballet? A glorious stroll through the City Park! This truly was an unforgettable evening in Vienna!

A Shopping Spree & A Little Fashion Inspiration

What trip to Vienna is complete without indulging in a spot of shopping, right? After all, fashion is the ultimate dance, a playful exploration of self-expression and individuality, very much like the art of ballet! And I am simply in love with Austrian fashion!

This week, I visited Vienna's fashion district, where I discovered all sorts of wonderful stores and designers. From exquisite Austrian silk and vintage couture pieces to quirky boutiques showcasing local artisans, there’s something to capture everyone's fancy. I treated myself to a stunning emerald green vintage hat - absolutely perfect for adding a touch of elegance to my outfit, even for ballet class. It reminded me of all the grand ballerinas, such as Margot Fonteyn, who was adored for her dramatic artistry in the 20th century. I love the romance of that era!

My love for tutus never diminishes, however, and let me tell you, darling, it was a tough choice, but I found myself unable to resist adding another delightful pink tutu to my collection! It's a beautifully hand-stitched creation, just begging to be twirled around the Vienna Opera House - perhaps even for my next performance! (Keep your eyes peeled for details on that, my loves! I have a few exciting projects brewing…)

A Whirlwind Finish

My trip to Vienna flew by like a beautiful, perfectly-executed pirouette, darling! I was just getting into the rhythm of the city, the Viennese waltz in my heart, when it was time to go. I hopped back on the train, still feeling the energy of Vienna coursing through my veins. The whole trip felt like a romantic fairytale, and I can’t wait to share it with you all.

But, as the train sped off towards home, one thing was abundantly clear – my tutu-wearing journey is far from over! And let me tell you, the next stop on my itinerary promises a brand new adventure in the realm of ballet. Stay tuned, darlings, for more thrilling travel stories and a sprinkling of pink tutus.

Until next Wednesday, may your lives be filled with graceful moves and endless sparkle!

With love, Emma x

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2011-10-26