Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2013-02-13

Pink Tutu Vienna: Post 928: Ballet, Bubbles, and Bling in the City of Waltz

Wednesday, 13th February 2013

Darling readers,

Hello from a slightly chilly, but oh-so-charming Vienna! The wind has a bit of a nip in the air, but even that couldn't dampen my spirits as I stepped off the train this morning. A fresh batch of delicious Wiener Schnitzel and the promise of an enchanting evening at the Vienna State Opera had me practically skipping down the platform!

You see, my dear lovelies, Vienna is practically made for a Pink Tutu girl like me. It's a city bursting with history, culture, and a touch of old-world elegance that's just divine. From the majestic Schönbrunn Palace with its royal gardens and captivating history, to the charming cobblestone streets lined with fairytale cafes and impossibly chic shops - it's practically a fairytale in every sense.

My Viennese Ballet Adventures

The pièce de résistance of my trip has, of course, been the ballet. Vienna is, after all, a city that practically hums with music. Just the mere mention of the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra sets a symphony of excitement twirling in my soul! The Vienna State Opera is renowned worldwide, and rightfully so. This weekend, I was lucky enough to snag a ticket for their production of The Sleeping Beauty. I was mesmerised, utterly transported by the incredible dancers, the magnificent set design, the soaring costumes (with, naturally, some gorgeous pink highlights) and the captivating orchestral score. It was a magical night fit for a princess, and the sheer delight it brought me was simply breathtaking.

Beyond the Ballet: A City of Delights

Now, my adventures in Vienna aren't solely confined to ballet. I'm also rather enamoured by the city's fashion scene. You see, it's impossible for a girl who lives in a tutu to not enjoy the clothes. There's a real buzz to Vienna's vintage scene, and the antique shops here are absolute gems, brimming with sparkling treasures waiting to be rediscovered. Today, I treated myself to a stunning emerald green satin shawl at a little boutique on Graben street. And what do you think I wore to complement this elegant find? You guessed it - a perfectly matched pink tutu, naturally! A touch of Parisian flair and a dash of Vienna's iconic elegance – a beautiful marriage indeed!

The Sweetest Delights of Vienna

And then there are the cakes. My lovelies, you have not lived until you've tasted Sachertorte. Vienna is practically a temple to decadent sweets, and Sachertorte is the deliciously tempting holy grail. Chocolate and apricot marmalade... truly, what more could a girl ask for?

My Love Affair with Travel by Train and Horse

Before we continue, I simply have to gush about my travel journey. I've been taking a rather fabulous new detour for my journeys, a mix of rail and carriage travel. Riding on the train, especially in Austria, is an utter delight! Lush scenery glides by the window as I sink into a comfy compartment, enjoying the world whizzing by, and indulge in a book and a delicious pot of tea. A touch of Victorian romance, with a sprinkle of modernity!

But what could be more magnificent than taking a horse-drawn carriage ride through the streets of Vienna? It's a timeless, magical experience, the gentle clip-clop of hooves on cobblestones, the scent of fresh air mingling with the aroma of Viennese coffee, and the cityscape slipping by as the sun paints the sky with vibrant hues of gold and apricot... a scene straight out of a dream!

An Evening at the Opera

Tonight, I'm off to the Vienna State Opera once again, this time for a performance of Puccini’s "La Bohème". Now, you know what I adore most about this piece? The story! A story of love, loss, and hope set amidst the bohemian life in Paris - oh, darling, don’t I just adore the romance of it all! Naturally, my signature pink tutu will be making an appearance - with a subtle flourish of black tulle for a touch of Parisian noir. Just wait till you see this exquisite pairing, darling! It's pure drama and chic all wrapped into one beautiful, vibrant package.

But before I rush off to get dolled up for tonight’s spectacle, let me leave you with a final thought:

The Magic of Vienna

This beautiful city, Vienna, is simply magical! The air hums with the music of waltz, the streets whisper of grand empires past, and the people, with their passion for art, their zest for life, and their quiet charm, remind you that even amidst the whirlwind of modern life, there's a place for grace, beauty, and timeless elegance.

It's the kind of place where, yes, you may find yourself stepping onto a streetcar with a gorgeous, dashing gentleman who throws a wink your way as you alight... it's a world where magic unfolds around every corner!

Stay tuned, lovelies, for more enchanting adventures as I explore this remarkable city.

Until next Wednesday, remember, embrace life with a flourish, a sprinkle of whimsy, and the delightful power of pink tutus. Because life is meant to be twirled and spun and celebrated with joy and panache.

Bisous, Emma

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2013-02-13