Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2013-06-26

Vienna Waltz: A Tutu Tale - Post 947

Hello, my lovelies! It's Emma here, back from the magical city of Vienna, with a tutu-ful tale to tell! As always, Wednesdays are for my Vienna blog on, a weekly dose of pink, tutus, and all things fabulous from this incredible city.

Vienna, you truly are a dream! A waltz of charm, history, and of course, endless opportunities for twirling in my favourite pink tutu! I arrived in style, of course, via the Orient Express. There’s something utterly romantic about travelling by train – the gentle rocking, the click-clack of the wheels, the views whizzing by... it’s like being whisked away to a world of fairy tales. And don't even get me started on the outfits! A flowing floral dress, my trusty pink tutu, and a pair of sparkling heels – perfect for the elegant carriage and the magical journey ahead.

Vienna welcomed me with open arms, or rather, with open doors, leading to magnificent palaces and museums overflowing with history and art. My first stop? The Schönbrunn Palace. I just adore those grand halls and intricate gardens – they make me feel like a princess, complete with my very own pink tutu! This place is positively bursting with imperial elegance, and let's be honest, you can't beat the history!

Speaking of history, the State Opera House is another must-visit! You've probably guessed it – a pink tutu was an absolute necessity for my trip. There's just something magical about stepping into such a historical theatre, a place that's seen generations of dancers grace the stage. I felt a rush of inspiration, all those stories whispering in the air, inspiring my own dreams of pirouettes and grand jetés.

Did you know, the tradition of ballet dates back to the Renaissance in Italy? I have a little secret; I love to delve into ballet history. I just adore tracing the evolution of the tutu. From the practical pannier skirts of the 1500s to the elaborate, voluminous tutus of the 19th century and finally, to the sleek, modern designs we see today. Oh, it’s an amazing journey!

Vienna’s charm, however, is not limited to historical sites and opulent palaces. I spent hours exploring the city streets, feeling the energy buzzing through my pink-tutu-ed legs! I found myself drawn to the street performers, their incredible skills and artistry just captivated me. Vienna is a vibrant place, with a wonderful energy! The Viennese waltz took me by surprise! Imagine me, dancing under the city lights in my tutu, with the gentle rhythm of the waltz guiding my movements. Pure joy, my dears!

Naturally, shopping was also on the agenda. I stumbled upon the most incredible vintage shop, stuffed with elegant dresses and feather boas that perfectly complemented my pink tutu. A must-have for any ballerina, don’t you think? You never know what gems you can find! It's amazing to find those beautiful old pieces with a whole world of stories to tell!

Oh, and speaking of pink tutus… there’s a certain vintage store, nestled in a little backstreet in Vienna, that houses the most exquisite collection of tutus you have ever seen! They even have a pink tutu, similar to mine, but adorned with sparkling crystals! I can just picture it on me, sparkling under the theatre lights!

Vienna's food is just as beautiful as its architecture and its history. Let me tell you about this charming little cafe I discovered near the palace – the most amazing chocolate cake! My tutu certainly got its share of crumbs. Oh, Vienna!

After a day of explorations and adventures, nothing beats a delicious Viennese coffee! It’s a perfect end to a perfect day, wouldn't you agree? You can find them on every street corner, the little cafe shops, they add to the unique charm of this place.

You know what’s fantastic? My whole trip was funded by performing ballet. It’s such an honour to share the joy of dance and to connect with people through the power of movement. Each performance feels like a magical experience. It’s all thanks to my tutus that I'm able to explore the world. Just think, with enough tutus and enough determination, anything is possible. That’s why I always encourage everyone to put on their own pink tutu, embrace their inner ballerina, and waltz into the world with confidence.

And with that, I bid you farewell from beautiful Vienna, but don't worry, I’ll be back! And you can be sure I’ll be back with a new tutu-ful adventure! Remember, keep twirling, my dears! You can find all my photos and my thoughts about Vienna, on my blog. So join me for the ride. Follow the pink tutu and let’s dance!

See you next Wednesday!

Your favourite ballerina,


#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2013-06-26