Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2013-07-03

Post Number 948: Vienna, oh Vienna!

Wednesday, 3rd July 2013

Hello darlings! It's Wednesday, which means it's time for another dose of pink tutu magic straight from the heart of Vienna! This week, my lovely readers, I'm going to take you on a whirlwind tour of this exquisite city, one that's stolen a piece of my heart (and my wardrobe, of course!)

Vienna, oh Vienna... You truly are a city of dreams, and what better way to explore you than in a whimsical, vibrant, pink tutu? This week, I've been twirling through the cobbled streets, mesmerised by the baroque grandeur, the charming coffee houses, and the sheer elegance that seeps out of every corner.

Let's be honest, every day in Vienna is a fashion show. There's a sophistication here that is simply irresistible. Think pastel coloured linen suits paired with vintage hats and chic, sleek handbags. I'm positively dying to get my hands on a beautiful vintage Austrian dirndl - it would be perfect for twirling around the beautiful gardens.

Tutus and Tradition in Vienna

Speaking of twirling, what could be more beautiful than twirling through a city rich with classical music and dancing? I took a class at the Staatsoper - oh, it was magnificent! A gorgeous studio bathed in sunlight, with the most exquisite wooden floor. And of course, my tutu (a rather lovely, delicate confection in baby pink) just perfectly fit the scene. I am feeling all sorts of inspired!

We tackled some intricate choreography based on Strauss's beautiful waltzes, and let me tell you, there was so much history swirling around that room! The energy from generations of ballerinas practically crackled in the air.

Afterwards, I treated myself to the most divine cup of Viennese coffee at a quaint cafe. This cafe culture here is truly something else, darlings! They take their coffee seriously! The locals are just as passionate about their pastry as they are about their coffee – little crumbly things filled with apricot jam or dusted with cinnamon. Divine.

My Ballet Journey - Finding Inspiration in Vienna

Oh, my darlings! Vienna is just bursting with ballet history. The Opera House is breathtaking - every nook and cranny feels imbued with years of artistic legacy.

I was lucky enough to see "The Sleeping Beauty" last night. It was, without a doubt, the most enchanting performance I've ever seen! The costumes were exquisite – especially Aurora’s. Such stunning embroidery and fabrics – so romantic! I could just picture her in her beautiful pink tutu...

And speaking of costumes, did you know that tutus have been around for centuries? In the 16th century, Queen Catherine de Medici, a woman after my own heart, wore a "farthingale" - basically an ancestor to the modern day tutu.

Think of how far tutus have come – now they are symbols of grace, femininity and power. Just as captivating as the graceful twirling on stage, I believe it's essential for every woman to find the confidence to embrace the joy of twirling!

Travel by Train and Horse

Today, my lovely readers, I'm embarking on an adventure through the picturesque countryside – riding a horse and carriage, naturally! I can just imagine the sun streaming through the trees and the scent of fresh hay - pure enchantment. And yes, I will, of course, be wearing my most fabulous pink tutu. The journey promises to be simply dreamy, don’t you think?

My horse riding trip takes me out to the glorious Schönbrunn Palace. It's breathtakingly beautiful - with expansive gardens, stately fountains and romantic pavilions. Perfect for some elegant promenading, or even some impromptu waltzing. You know, just in case I find a handsome Prince Charming along the way!

Tomorrow, I am heading to the Vienna State Opera to learn all about the rich history of this majestic institution. I cannot wait to dive into the world of opera, and soak up every last drop of the city’s fascinating past.

Oh, my darling readers, Vienna truly is a fairytale land!

Stay tuned next week for a special peek behind the scenes of the Vienna Opera, and perhaps, a few new tutu creations inspired by this magical city. Until then, embrace the power of pink, dance like no one's watching and never be afraid to twirl.

Much love,

Emma x


#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2013-07-03