Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2015-08-19

Vienna, oh Vienna! Post #1059 (Wednesday 19th August 2015)

Hello my lovely Pink Tutu peeps! It's me, Emma, writing to you live from Vienna!

I’ve been back in Derbyshire for the past couple of weeks - performing at the Buxton Festival, a magical time in a gorgeous location - and it was wonderful seeing all of you in the audience. However, I knew my next journey had to involve tutus and Vienna. As a little girl, all I ever dreamed of was one day dancing in the Vienna Opera House - or, better yet, strutting my stuff in a full pink tutu amongst the cobblestones of the city! Well, I'm happy to say that both dreams came true!

After a whirlwind of packing my suitcase with every shade of pink tulle I own, I hitched a train to St Pancras station in my very favourite tulle skirt (you'll have to wait for the photos - I can't give away too many surprises). My journey took me through the magical green countryside of the Netherlands, then the beautiful countryside of Germany - before arriving in Vienna! And let me tell you, this was not your average train journey! We had a group of musicians on board, serenading us with Strauss waltzes, which made my tutu twirling instincts come alive (don't worry, I was discrete!). The carriages themselves were plush and luxurious - the perfect start to my trip.

The first thing I did in Vienna was take a wander around the city centre, and oh my word, it was a tutu-tastic spectacle! I literally felt like I had stepped straight into a waltzing scene from The Sound of Music - even if the music I was listening to on my headphones was Britney Spears! My favourite discovery was the gorgeous Imperial Palace – I couldn't resist a little twirl in front of it, and a couple of quick selfies for the Pink Tutu gram, naturally!

Speaking of tutus, you simply cannot come to Vienna without paying homage to its incredible ballet scene. So, the first thing on my schedule, once I’d checked into my hotel, was a visit to the world-renowned Vienna State Opera. This breathtaking theatre, with its grand architecture and chandelier-lit magnificence, really stole my breath away. To my utter joy, I discovered they were hosting a performance of ‘The Sleeping Beauty’ later in the week, which is quite possibly my absolute favourite ballet. So I snapped up a ticket immediately. This was going to be amazing.

One of the amazing things about Vienna is that, for a little city, it has so much to see. I wandered through the famous Schönbrunn Palace gardens, getting completely lost in the intricate landscaping and enjoying a lovely afternoon picnic amongst the flowers with my travelling companions - two fellow tutu enthusiasts I’d met on the train. The colours and vibrancy reminded me so much of my favourite flower shop back in Derby - you'll find me happily picking out some gorgeous bouquets when I get back!

After the picnic, we headed to the Museum of Art History - something I usually wouldn’t do on a holiday, but I just knew I had to see the incredible art. Now, my fellow tutu-lovers know I have an undeniable penchant for the more ‘feminine’ styles of art, and it turns out Vienna is a veritable paradise for anything involving dancing ladies, rosy cheeks, and romanticism in abundance! I absolutely had to purchase a couple of souvenirs to remind me of the afternoon’s inspiration, especially the paintings with all those stunningly flamboyant, pink tutu-clad ballerinas!

Talking about dancing, what trip to Vienna would be complete without experiencing some traditional Viennese waltzes? And since my mission in life is to make everyone experience the magic of wearing a pink tutu, I couldn’t wait to embrace the waltz and all its gloriousness, so I made my way to the Kursalon. This stunning music hall was built specially for concerts and dance evenings, and it did not disappoint! It’s a beautiful venue, filled with chandeliers, and all lit up for a glittering waltz performance! Now, it wouldn't be a true Pink Tutu adventure without at least one daring attempt, and of course I could not let such an opportunity go by. So, with a deep breath and a whirl of my pink tutu, I jumped into the swirling arms of a kind Viennese gentleman who looked positively shocked but incredibly flattered. It turns out that even in this modern city, people haven’t seen many pink tutus doing the waltz in recent years. Let’s just say the locals definitely got a taste of ‘The Emma Pink Tutu experience’ - a memory they won’t forget in a hurry!

That evening, we took a horse-drawn carriage ride through the city centre. You all know I love my horses, so it was just wonderful to experience this age-old tradition. I had to ask the driver if he was happy to add a pink tutu-wearing ballerina to the scene, but, much to my dismay, his reply was "Not even for a tip!".

This brings me to today, and it’s already proving to be quite an eventful morning. After my breakfast of Sachertorte (I really have to resist those delicious Vienna cakes!) I made a beeline for the legendary Naschmarkt, one of the largest outdoor markets in Vienna. I always love a good browse around local markets - there's nothing like the energy and buzz. And Vienna, oh Vienna, certainly knows how to do markets! They sell just about everything, from artisan goods to fresh produce. Of course, being in my happy place, surrounded by vibrant fabrics, colours, and styles, my eyes couldn't resist being drawn to the beautiful selection of fashion accessories - from hats to handbags, to scarves and gloves, there was simply too much choice! Naturally, I’m wearing a rather splendid new shawl, the colours perfectly complimenting my signature shade of pink.

But for a pink tutu fanatic like myself, the most amazing discovery was in the vintage fashion section - I found a whole collection of exquisite antique pink tulle tutus from the late 19th century! My jaw dropped open! They were not quite the modern creations that we see today, but oh, they had so much character, each one with its own stories, secrets, and charm. The intricate detailing, the delicate laces, the hand-stitching - they spoke of another time. After a little negotiation with the seller, I came away with a small selection, with the promise that if he had any other finds in my favourite colour, I’d be happy to buy them - who am I kidding? I’m already planning my next trip back!

Vienna, you have really stolen my heart! And just as I was getting settled back into my hotel room, enjoying the views from the balcony, who should walk in, but the most glorious horse I’ve ever seen in my life. He's a true black beauty, standing proudly at over 18 hands, a majestic creature who stood so proudly that it almost felt as if he was taking a ballet stance! It’s truly extraordinary, but apparently it’s a Vienna tradition to hire these impressive horses for various events - even for personal tours! So, who better to give a pink-tutu-clad ballerina a VIP tour of Vienna, than a stately, horse-drawn carriage! So off I went - riding through Vienna's historic streets in all my glory - a moment I'll cherish for a long time.

Now, I need to dash - I’m heading to a ballet class at the famous Vienna State Ballet Academy. How can I not visit this incredible institution whilst I’m in Vienna? They’ve had a few tutu-wearing ballerinas come out of this place. Oh, how I love a good ballet class! But, most importantly, the excitement of the big night tomorrow is truly mounting! The Sleep Beauty! Can't wait!

So, my lovely pink tutu peeps, that’s all from me today. Remember to spread the joy, embrace life’s adventures, and don't forget to wear a pink tutu at every opportunity!

Sending love and pink twirls from the city of waltzes!

Love, Emma.

P.S. I’m just dying to show you all the photographs I took today! And keep a lookout for my next blog next Wednesday. Oh, I think it might just be about dancing on the Vienna State Opera stage in a sparkly pink tutu … twirls in anticipation

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2015-08-19