Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2016-09-07

Vienna Calling: Pink Tutu Takes the Austrian Capital by Storm!

Hello darlings! Emma here, reporting live from the magnificent city of Vienna! It’s Wednesday, which means it’s time for my weekly Pink Tutu blog post, and oh, what a week it’s been!

This week marks the fabulous #1114 installment of my pink tutu-filled adventures, and today I’m bursting to tell you all about my whirlwind trip to Vienna! As you know, I simply can’t resist the lure of a new city, especially when it promises so much history, culture, and – of course – opportunities to spread the pink tutu love!

It’s no secret I adore travelling by train, and arriving in Vienna, I was met by such charm and grace, it was like stepping into a vintage movie. The city felt vibrant, yet tranquil, and as I stood outside my hotel (the prettiest little boutique hotel with rose-coloured walls!), I knew I was in for a treat.

The Waltz of the City

Now, let’s talk about this incredible city! Vienna’s known for its rich history, elegant architecture, and of course, for its waltzes! And speaking of waltzes… let me tell you, Vienna just oozes romance! From the moment I stepped into the grand central station, I felt like I was in a fairytale.

The first thing I did? A ballet class, naturally! My darling, Vienna’s Opera Ballet school was simply divine. The teacher, a charming man called Herr Wilhelm, even complimented me on my pink tutu – quelle surprise! He said it reminded him of a ballerina he’d seen perform in the Vienna Opera House years ago! Oh, darling, the thought of performing here sent shivers down my spine!

Vienna, you see, holds a special place in my heart for its history in ballet. Think Strauss, Mozart… oh, it’s just so romantic and inspiring!

Tutu Trail: Shopping Spree!

Now, as any discerning tutu-wearing lady knows, shopping is a must when you're in a city like Vienna. And Vienna certainly didn’t disappoint! Oh, darling, I found the most exquisite boutique – "Kleidtraum," it’s called – full of gorgeous clothes and, gasp - a little vintage section filled with lace tutus! I ended up with two new beauties! One a classic pink tulle, perfect for strolling around Vienna’s grand streets, and another, a luxurious burgundy with hand-painted roses – I’m just dying to show it off at my next performance!

After all the shopping, I wandered through the city, savoring every delightful corner, every café brimming with people and music, and the grand imperial buildings that make this city so magical. I simply can’t wait to come back again.

Ballet by Moonlight

Speaking of performances, my Vienna experience would not have been complete without witnessing a ballet performance. And so, under a velvety sky lit by the crescent moon, I settled into my velvet seat at the Vienna Opera House, ready to be swept away by the magic of dance.

The performance, oh darling, was just extraordinary! I felt transported, lost in a world of ethereal beauty and intricate storytelling. It felt like every pirouette, every arabesque, whispered tales of a bygone era. As I sat there, surrounded by the elegance and the history, I knew I had to wear my pink tutu the next time I went to the opera! Just imagine the magic!

A Royal Delight

After a magnificent performance, my delightful day ended at the Schönbrunn Palace. What a palace! My darling, this stunning example of baroque architecture, once home to the Habsburg emperors, felt like stepping into a painting! There are fountains, and manicured gardens – and I discovered there is also a children's ballet school in the grounds – imagine dancing in such splendour!

The horse-drawn carriages pulling visitors through the grand grounds were another dream come true. It was such a wonderful experience – as if I’d stepped into a painting or a scene from a period drama. Oh darling, I even convinced a few tourists to strike a pose in a pink tutu (though sadly, not for long! They seemed to think the tutus might clash with their travel plans!

To the Future

As my adventure in Vienna concludes, my heart is full of memories. I'm leaving this city, but Vienna has already found its way into my heart – a little bit of its magic, of its history and beauty will be forever woven into my tutu-filled life.

As for my future, you can expect even more adventures in pink! This week, I’m already planning my next big adventure. I have a date with a London performance and some vintage shops I've had my eye on for months. And don’t worry darlings – you can bet I’ll have my pink tutus packed for this journey too.

Join me on my journey! I'll be posting a new blog entry on next Wednesday, 14th September. And until then, keep spreading the pink tutu love!

Yours in sequins and swirls,


#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2016-09-07