Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2016-09-21

Vienna, Oh Vienna, My Dearest Pink Dream! #1116

Hello my lovely little tutu-ettes! 🩰💖 It's Emma here, writing to you from the most magnificent city in the world - Vienna! I mean, where else could you find such grand palaces, lush parks, delicious pastries, and a ballet scene that makes my heart do pirouettes? I arrived just this morning, straight off the train from the mountains (don't you just adore that scenic journey through the rolling hills, all bathed in sunshine?) and I am utterly besotted. This city has that quintessential Viennese charm – a touch of elegant grandeur mixed with an irresistible playfulness that makes me want to twirl around every cobblestone street.

And what could be more fitting than my arrival in Vienna, the birthplace of the waltz, wearing a pink tulle masterpiece? 👑 Yes, you guessed it! It’s my latest creation - a soft, dreamy tulle skirt, bursting with shades of rose, peach and a hint of champagne. I couldn't resist pairing it with a little black fitted top, because sometimes you need to break the pink to make it pop! I've been wanting to see Vienna in my most glamorous ballet attire, and I can honestly say it’s living up to all my expectations!

A Symphony of Ballet: From the Stage to the Streets

Now, I don’t know about you, but whenever I hear the word Vienna, I immediately think of Mozart, waltzes, and most importantly - ballet! I've come to Vienna specifically for the Vienna State Opera. You see, I’m a little obsessed with all things ballet. My dream since childhood has been to travel the world, witnessing different cultures through the magical language of dance, and here I am, standing at the very heart of European ballet tradition.

My excitement was bubbling over when I booked tickets to see Swan Lake on Saturday night. But first, a little exploration! This afternoon I wandered into the enchanting city centre, a delightful blend of Baroque beauty and bustling modernity. Imagine me, my tutu swirling around my legs, with every charming alley I turn down. You know, those places that smell of freshly brewed coffee and buttery pastries - you simply can’t walk past without indulging. The sheer splendor of Vienna's architecture had me entranced, with its towering churches, grand palaces and whimsical coffee houses that seemed to whisper stories from the past.

I found a delightful little bakery that reminded me of a storybook setting. The smell of cinnamon, almond and cherry just wafted into the street. I couldn't resist a perfectly golden strudel with a generous scoop of vanilla ice cream on top - it was absolutely divine! (I swear, even my tutu agrees!)

The highlight of the afternoon was a charming little antique shop filled with treasures and curios. I had to restrain myself from buying every single vintage ballerina ornament, but I finally found a beautifully handcrafted ballerina doll with a tiny, frilly pink tutu - an irresistible reminder of my passion for dance. It’s currently nestled amongst the lace and velvet cushions in my hotel room, gazing out the window at the St. Stephen's Cathedral.

Finding Ballet on Every Corner: A Dance of Discovery

Later this evening, I plan on indulging in the local ballet culture a bit more. After all, how can I resist a ballet performance in such a ballet-loving city? I heard whispers of a beautiful dance performance at a small, intimate theatre down by the Danube Canal, near the beautiful Viennese "Prater." I've got a feeling this will be an authentic, soulful experience, far removed from the grandeur of the State Opera. My intuition is tingling! I just love discovering new artists, especially those with such passion for their craft.

But my journey is more than just watching. It’s a discovery, a communion of spirit, and a celebration of the sheer beauty and joy of ballet in all its forms. Every city I visit, I try to explore the different ways the world around us inspires movement. And let’s be honest, Vienna is an absolute haven for ballet inspiration! Just the grandeur of the buildings makes you want to dance.

I must say, I have a confession: my suitcase is overflowing with pink tulle. That’s right! My little trip turned into a mini-pink tutu shopping spree. This time I didn’t even try to resist. I fell in love with the most magnificent, soft tulle at this delightful boutique near the Vienna Opera. It’s all delicate floral patterns, sparkling silver embroidery and a touch of luxurious satin - an absolute must-have!

Oh, and I forgot to tell you about the Viennese coffee houses! I popped into this little café in the Old City called "Café Central" and simply lost track of time as I indulged in a cup of the richest coffee I’ve ever tasted. It felt like a scene from a classic movie. The perfect backdrop for sipping your latte, sketching a few quick ballet poses and making notes for my next pink tutu design, right?

Fashion, Fashion, and More Fashion

Vienna has the most stunning selection of fashion. Every boutique and shop seems to have a little something magical. I picked up some chic new earrings in the shape of delicate ballet shoes (they're a little sparkly too, can you imagine?). I also purchased a beautiful shawl with a delicate, flowing pattern reminiscent of a ballet skirt. But I couldn’t resist a little bit of vintage, you know I do! So I managed to snaffle up an old ballet journal with handwritten notes on its yellowed pages. It was an irresistible window into the past. Now I can’t wait to write about my time in Vienna, right in its very pages, surrounded by ballerina portraits from a bygone era!

Well, I must stop writing and head out for dinner. I can already hear the faint sounds of classical music floating through the open windows and feel the allure of the city pulsing beneath my feet. Tomorrow I plan on attending a ballet class in the heart of the city. My trusty pink tutu and I can't wait for a session of twirls, jumps and elegant stretching – right here in Vienna! I'll be sure to share all the details, my dearest readers, in my next post. Until then, remember, stay pretty, stay pink, and always keep those ballet dreams alive!

Yours always,

Emma 💖🩰

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2016-09-21