Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2017-08-23

Pink Tutu Vienna - #1164

Wednesday 23rd August, 2017

Good morning lovelies! It’s me, Emma, your favourite tutu-wearing travel blogger, back from the most amazing weekend in Vienna! Oh my goodness, I’m so excited to share everything with you, so grab your favourite cuppa (or pink champagne!), get comfy in your comfiest outfit (and tutu, naturally!), and let’s dive right in!

Vienna – The Waltz Capital!

First things first – Vienna! This gorgeous city absolutely blew my mind! It’s steeped in history, culture, and an elegant atmosphere that’s impossible not to get swept up in. I felt like I stepped into a fairytale, particularly with all the magnificent palaces and grand architecture! I even felt a little bit like I was in a scene from The Sound of Music – without the nuns, thankfully, haha! Vienna’s a city for all seasons, with so much to offer no matter when you visit. This trip, though, I just couldn't resist indulging in Vienna's magical waltzing history!

Dancing My Way Through Vienna

Now, if you’re like me and a big fan of all things ballet, Vienna is a must-see! The Vienna State Opera is a national treasure and a jewel in the crown of the city's cultural landscape. It’s one of the most famous and prestigious opera houses in the world, and its grand foyer was a feast for my eyes! It was simply breathtaking. And, the performance of "La Traviata" that evening left me absolutely mesmerised – a true testament to the talent of these incredible artists. The costumes, the singing, the choreography – I was completely transported! I also enjoyed exploring Vienna's grand, historical ballet studios and soaking in the energy and creativity that flows through those walls. Seeing the dancers at work, even from behind a window pane, sparked such inspiration and a desire to get my own pink tutu out of retirement, you know! The history of dance in this city is just intoxicating! I found myself imagining waltzing alongside famous dancers like Anna Pavlova and Vaslav Nijinsky, imagining all the grand balls and performances that would have taken place here throughout the centuries!

Finding My Fairy Godmother

You know, this city has a touch of magic! I fell in love with a vintage tutu shop tucked away in the charming Altstadt district! I stumbled across it just by accident, after a bit of wandering and getting completely lost in a maze of gorgeous streets, oh it was so delightful! This boutique is run by the loveliest lady, a veritable tutu fairy godmother, who must be at least 100 years old! (she giggled at me, "never you mind about the years, darling!”). She’s a true character with endless knowledge about the history of ballet and dance costumes, and let me tell you – she’s got an eye for spotting a true beauty! Her shop is a treasure trove of tulle and silk, a symphony of colours, patterns and fabrics, the most gorgeous tutus you’ve ever seen – from romantic and vintage styles to the latest bright colours and modern cuts, it was pure heaven! I even got a personal fitting for a brand-new pink tutu that’s now making its way home to Derbyshire! I had to treat myself, because a ballerina needs her tools of the trade, don’t you agree?

A Parisian Cafe Style Breakfast

Of course, a weekend in Vienna would be incomplete without some seriously delicious food, and the breakfast at a café called Café Central on the Saturday was a treat! The ambience of the café is stunning! I am all for any food or restaurant with chandeliers, that’s just a fun fact about me I guess! The atmosphere is so elegant, but without the pretentious feel you get from some places, I had no idea I was going to be eating amongst some of the most fashionable Viennese residents! There were so many perfectly dressed women, many sporting a sophisticated classic black, oh so stylish, all enjoying delicious looking plates of beautifully presented food! Their elegant styles, though I much prefer pink of course! I decided to go with their famous Wiener Schnitzel - thinly sliced and breaded meat – and it was an absolute explosion of flavour! Crispy on the outside, juicy on the inside – my mouth is watering just thinking about it!

The Delight of Travel By Train

You know, this journey reminded me once again of my absolute adoration of train travel! This time, I travelled by rail from my home in Derbyshire straight to Vienna – and as always, I felt completely at ease, relaxed, and transported in the most comfortable way imaginable! Gazing at the changing landscapes through the windows – countryside and cityscapes passing by like a magical film. Even catching up with a nice gentleman on the journey, Mr. Humphries he said he was from York! So chatty – he knew all the things on this line! – how many stops, tunnels and bridges we’d be using – amazing. It felt so magical, this kind of travel allows for an appreciation for slow travel, of seeing things unfold right before you. I'll never get over the sheer delight of looking out the train window – and oh, the snacks on the Eurostar – I swear, it's my secret vice.

Sharing My Pink Tutu Love

Of course, I couldn’t leave Vienna without spreading a bit of pink tutu magic, so I rocked my new vintage creation – the one I got in that gorgeous little shop! – to the Stadtpark – Vienna’s lovely public park, you should see it, a real breath of fresh air – for a day of relaxing and admiring the swans and the fountain, of course stopping to pick up some souvenirs and goodies for all my little tutus at home, they adore these sweet treats. This park is truly a peaceful oasis right in the heart of Vienna. You have to experience its tranquil atmosphere for yourselves – you’ll love it! But before I went into the park I stopped off at one of Vienna’s charming little boutique’s that sold such beautiful ballet shoes! All colours too, which of course included a stunning bright pink, perfect for my new pink tutu – so that made my day!

My Love For Pink

You guys know how much I adore pink – it’s more than a colour; it’s a way of life! My Vienna adventures reminded me just how much pink speaks to me: The rose gardens in the park, the delicate floral designs on old buildings, the cotton candy pink skies over the city during the evening hours... all a tribute to my favourite hue! It makes me feel happy, energetic, confident, and playful! And don’t forget, we’re not talking pastel pink, we're talking about hot pink! Bright pink, shocking pink – all of them! My motto? More pink, always more pink! And who knows? I might just be making my way back to Vienna next month – perhaps to do a little bit more tutu-wearing, to visit those sweet shops, to maybe catch another ballet performance. After all, what better place to celebrate my love for pink and twirling than the city of waltzes? I know I'll have another wonderful time, sharing all my adventures with you – be sure to check back in, it'll be a blast!

That's all for now from Vienna, lovely tutus! Remember to "Stay pink and sparkly!" and subscribe to my website to stay up to date on all my adventures! See you next Wednesday for a new blog post!

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2017-08-23