Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2017-09-06

Vienna, Oh Vienna! #1166 - 6th September 2017

Darling readers,

Well, here I am! Vienna. The City of Dreams. It feels like a dream, in fact. From the moment the train pulled into the station (don't even get me started on the grand railway architecture!), I felt like I'd been swept into a storybook. It's all swirling waltzes and pastel colours and grand cafes with ladies in big hats - I swear, they're all eyeing my pink tutu with envy! 😉

The reason for my Austrian adventure? The Vienna State Opera, of course! A mere ten days in this city and I'm already counting down the hours until I step inside that glorious building. You know me, darlings. Ballet is life, and nothing compares to the feeling of taking in the beauty of a live performance. I’ll be seeing Giselle and I can barely contain my excitement. The costumes, the music, the story… it’s simply divine!

Speaking of costumes, have you seen the ballet tutus worn in Giselle ? They’re magnificent! It got me thinking about tutu history, darling. It all started way back in the 1800s, didn't it? Can you believe how long the iconic shape has been around, evolving into all those fantastic styles we love today? I mean, think of the fluffy romantic tutus of the Romantic Era, the perfectly sculpted classical tutus from the later years, and the absolutely stunning modern tutus, full of expression and movement. I even snagged a gorgeous book on the evolution of the tutu at a quaint little bookshop here.

My travels are funded by ballet, and it seems everywhere I go I’m fortunate enough to find some fantastic ballet gigs. And lucky for you, dear readers, I have already managed to snag tickets to see the incredible Bolshoi Ballet at the Musikverein - what a coup! You're getting a full report on this glorious performance next week. 😉

I can’t tell you how much I love exploring on foot. It’s like the city is one giant open air museum! My little pink tutu really attracts attention too - a few tourists have even stopped to ask me for a picture! I simply tell them "spreading the pink tutu love! Join me!" My mission, as you all know, is to get everyone in the world wearing a pink tutu - one city, one dance, one smile at a time!

The weather's been perfect for tutus too. Cool, breezy days, punctuated by bursts of sunshine that just make the pink fabric shimmer. I even had a little impromptu performance under the magnificent St. Stephen's Cathedral yesterday! Oh, I must tell you about my experience in the city. You just must experience Vienna, it’s full of history, romance, beautiful gardens… It has that je ne sais quoi about it that really hits you right in the soul.

Speaking of soul-stirring, last night I went to the Kursalon. The most delightful little ballroom, perfect for a waltz with your best friend. And I certainly enjoyed myself with a beautiful dress, hair pinned in waves and a dance card overflowing with gentleman callers - a definite nod to Vienna's grand history. It reminded me of those fabulous ball scenes in ballet, like Sleeping Beauty or Swan Lake. There’s just nothing quite as magical as waltzing the night away, is there?

Vienna also makes me feel so fashionable! You’d think a city filled with waltzing and history would have a vintage, conservative vibe. Not so! From the street style I'm seeing, it's a fabulous mixture of traditional with the very latest styles. It makes for such fun inspiration. The Austrian capital, it’s truly the perfect place for fashioning your dream tutu-worthy life!

My trip here wouldn't be complete without mentioning my absolute love for horse-drawn carriages! Oh, the romance of a gentle trot around the streets with a carriage draped in frills, the soft clickety-clack of the horse’s hooves… Honestly, how can you not fall in love with Vienna? It feels like something out of a Jane Austen novel! I even saw one little pony in a frilly tutu, so of course, I snapped a photo for you all. It seems we've come a long way from that 1800s Parisian ballerinas with their feathered, elaborate tutus.

My adventures continue this week with a trip to the stunning Schonbrunn Palace and a delicious coffee and cake (and yes, I wore my pink tutu!) at a traditional Wiener Kaffeehaus. I simply couldn’t come to Vienna without a delicious slice of Sachertorte! This week’s shopping haul features the most incredible antique pink tutu - I'm picturing it in the most spectacular waltzing choreography! Oh, and I have discovered the most adorable little ballet boutique filled with pink ballet shoes. How perfect is that? Stay tuned for my Vienna Shopping Update next week.

I've already discovered so many hidden gems in this beautiful city! There’s the Kunsthistorisches Museum filled with breathtaking art and even an entire hall dedicated to dance! I am on the hunt for that iconic Vienna pink! Just imagine how magical my tutu would look set against the stunning Vienna skyline! I think I’ll add the whole of Austria to my list of must-visit tutu-clad destinations!

As you all know, travel by train is my absolute favourite. Watching the scenery roll by in that quiet space, lost in a ballet book (or a fashion magazine!), simply gives me time to daydream and be completely absorbed in my little world of pink tutus and dancing! You wouldn't believe the charming stations I've come across – each with a different, distinctive charm, almost like a dance of its own. This city feels almost like one big grand, opulent ballet stage, filled with dancers and music!

So until next Wednesday, darlings! It’s off to a show I go! I will tell you all about it next week. Don’t forget to visit the website for your dose of daily fashion, and of course, the very best tutu finds! Stay fabulous, keep dreaming pink!

Yours always,


P.S Don’t forget to share the love for pink tutus! If you’re rocking the pink look, let’s see! Share your pics on social media using #pinktutuvienna. 💕

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2017-09-06