Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2018-03-07

Pink Tutu Vienna: A Ballet-Filled Waltz Through The Austrian Capital (Blog Post #1192)

Wednesday, 7th March 2018

Hello, darlings! It's Emma here, back from the magnificent city of Vienna with a heart full of waltzes, a head full of ballet, and a closet full of new pink tutus! It's so wonderful to be back with you all on the website for our weekly waltz through the world of pink! This week, I'm thrilled to share all my Austrian adventures, a journey that saw me flitting between ballet performances, Viennese cafés, and some fabulous shopping. As usual, I brought a new, fabulously fluffy pink tutu with me (this one has a sparkleswoon!) and it certainly turned heads in this beautiful city!

Vienna, A City Made for Dancing

Let's talk Vienna, a city practically designed for the ballet enthusiast! It was an absolute delight to stroll along the cobbled streets, stopping for a delicious Viennese coffee and pastry, imagining waltzing under the stars with a dashing gentleman! Honestly, I could practically hear Strauss's melodies echoing in the air! It felt like every street corner held the promise of a ball, a performance, or at least, a dreamy moment of inspiration for a new dance routine! And speaking of dreams, this city boasts an absolutely stunning opera house! The Wiener Staatsoper is as grand as the history it's witnessed, a truly captivating jewel. The entire experience was a pure fairy tale – from the dazzling red-and-gold decor to the impeccable performances that made me feel like I’d stepped back in time to an age of graceful beauty.

The Heart of Ballet: A Visit to the Vienna State Ballet

It’s almost impossible to be in Vienna and not see a ballet performance, and I wasn’t about to let the opportunity slip by. This time, I caught a performance of "Giselle" at The Wiener Staatsoper. It was absolutely magical! Seeing the talented dancers twirling and leaping under the spectacular chandeliers was simply breathtaking. Their artistry made the stage feel alive and I couldn’t resist the urge to dance along – of course, all within the confines of my pink tutu, naturally!

The sheer dedication of the dancers in their meticulous routines is an inspiration. The technical skill and pure artistry are beyond incredible – each dancer moving like a single brush stroke creating a masterpiece of motion. Each twirl and leap seemed to transport the entire audience to a world of fantasy and elegance! The music, the costumes, the setting - it was an unforgettable evening!

Dancing and Delights: Ballet at the Burgtheater

Not to be outdone, the Burgtheater is also home to a stellar ballet program. The very building is as dramatic and enchanting as any set in any play or opera. Inside its beautiful historical walls, I enjoyed a lovely performance of Tchaikovsky’s “Swan Lake.” The story is always so heart-wrenching, especially when witnessed with the captivating artistry of this world-renowned ballet company. Their graceful movements captured the essence of each character and the breathtaking beauty of each scene brought the swan's heartbreaking tale to life.

Afterward, I treated myself to a lovely cup of coffee and a decadent cake at the famous Cafe Central. Watching Vienna waltz by while savoring my sugar-filled goodness truly encapsulated the experience for me! There's an undeniably romantic and whimsical charm about the city, even in the smallest moments.

Tutu Trail: Discovering the World of Tutus

Of course, my trip to Vienna couldn't end without a pilgrimage to the world of tutus! I made my way to the enchanting “Tutu Boutique” – an exquisite little haven tucked away on a charming cobblestone street. Here, nestled among rows upon rows of exquisitely-crafted tutus, I found the most perfect pink creation to complete my Austrian escapade – my sparkly dream! And of course, it had to be pink!

The shop owner was delightful, telling me stories of the intricate art and craftsmanship that goes into making each piece. She shared that tutus hold a history rich with culture and fashion and were the perfect expression of feminine grace. Each tutu has its own unique history and a fascinating backstory! As a fellow lover of tutus, we talked for ages about the latest trends, from the classic traditional style to the contemporary looks, with playful embellishments and fun patterns. Honestly, you would think we were best friends discussing our favorite childhood memories!

From Vienna's Past to My Present: Finding Ballet Inspiration Everywhere

Beyond the captivating performances, the history of ballet within this stunning city itself was a captivating adventure. Each corner whispered with tales of the great dancers and the illustrious choreographers who walked its cobblestone streets! The Vienna State Opera, for example, has hosted some of the greatest dancers of our time.

My favorite find, however, was a small ballet museum showcasing the captivating history of tutus! I had to take a million photos for Instagram, of course! My love for all things tutu was simply insatiable! Seeing the evolution of the tutu from its simple origins to the opulent creations of today, I found myself transported through time. I even saw some incredible vintage designs – some of the earliest iterations were simply amazing! From the full, layered looks of the romantic era to the daringly modern styles that embrace both creativity and functionality. Each design, like a dance move, tells a story, showcasing not only the evolution of fashion, but also the progress of dance and its place in society!

Vienna in Pink: A Colourful Celebration

Of course, I embraced all things pink on my travels - as per my mantra! There was even a fabulous pink ice cream stall I had to try – the best strawberry and raspberry ice cream imaginable – served in a perfectly pink cup, of course! (It was very much a "must" for the perfect Pink Tutu Vienna moment!)

From my sparkly pink tutu and ice cream to the whimsical architecture, and the elegance of Vienna’s ballet performances – this beautiful city really had it all for this girly-girl at heart! Even the horse-drawn carriage rides through the city’s elegant streets felt like a ballet performance, only with an extra dash of whimsy. And, of course, the gentle clinking of the horses hooves made a wonderful rhythm to add to my dancing feet.

Final Curtain Call: A Dance-Filled Farewell to Vienna

As I bid farewell to Vienna, I’ll carry with me a renewed passion for ballet, a treasure chest full of tutu inspiration, and memories to last a lifetime! This captivating city of elegant waltzes, romantic whispers, and extraordinary art will always hold a special place in my heart - and it's definitely a place I will visit again! I know that my pink tutu will be patiently awaiting my next waltz through its elegant streets!

P.S. Remember, everyone can join the #pinktutu movement – let's spread the joy of pink across the world, one tutu at a time! You can find me on my blog – – where I post new adventures and exciting news every Wednesday!

Don't forget to check out the #PinkTutuVienna hashtag for photos and inspiration! And remember, you can also follow my Instagram page for even more daily pink tutu inspiration. I can't wait to share more ballet-filled adventures with you soon!

See you next week!

Love, Emma xx

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2018-03-07